What should you do when you have a yeast infection? How do you go about treating it with the best and cheapest possible means? In this article you well learn some of the few things you can do to get rid of your yeast infection so it does not spread.
I would start by saying what not to do when you have this infection. Don't use antibiotic cream - it can make a yeast infection worse! Yeast infections are caused by a fungus. Antibiotic creams only work against bacteria. There are actually some kinds of "good" bacteria living in your vagina that help keep the yeast fungus under control. In fact, the last time I had a yeast infection, it developed because I was taking antibiotics for another problem and as a side effect, it killed off the good bacteria.
Yogurt is a good natural remedy (but not any old yogurt - you have to specifically look for one that contains active cultures). I've also heard that fresh, uncooked garlic can help (use it like a tampon), as can tea tree oil.
For some people, they will always use Monistat to get rid of their yeast infection. But the problem is some people like more natural methods for treating this infection, plus Monistat does not work for everyone.
So to say the least, the very easy way to get rid of a yeast infection would be to use Monistat cream that you can buy over the counter and apply it for as many days as the directions tell you. Hopefully that will clear it up. If it doesn't you should go to a doctor and have it checked out because yeast infections can spread. There are many more things you can do to treat this infection and some of them a listed below.
Yogurt is a classic third-world treatment for yeast. The instructions I have read say you bring a magazine into the bathroom with you, dip the tampon, insert, then smear the outside with more. Then you sit on the toilet for about 15 minutes letting it work. Then you remove the tampon and shower or rinse the area. Repeat this process morning and night.
Gentian Violet is a dye that has anti-fungal properties. An older pharmacy may carry it. It is also sold on the Internet. It may take a month or two using a q-tip and applying twice a day. It does stain purple which will fade away after discontinuing. Be careful because it stains clothing permanently. Hope she gets better soon and having a yeast infection where she has it is very strange. It sounds like a hygiene problem. You can also try treating your yeast infection by doing the following: Clean it out with 3 % hydrogen peroxide. Fill it up and let it soak a few minutes then wash it out.
There's a better, faster and more effective way to get rid of yeast infections! This is a secret method that actually worked for me. I've recommended this method to so many of my friends and loved ones and they all ended up treating their yeast infections for good! The method I'm talking about is outlined with step-by-step instructions in Linda Allen's Yeast Infection No More Manual. Do you want to completely treat your yeast infection and stop if from ever returning?
Click on this link ==> Yeast Infection No More, to discover a proven secret way to free yourself from this infection once and for all.
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